Haiku Heart

When in need of an escape

A Trilogy for the Ages

Wardruna as an immortal experience

Much of what makes Wardruna special is their stage performance. The best headphones in the world could not prepare you for the power of Einar's voice, echoing in a chapel, like a monk from a ancient age, coming to remind us of the world beyond our perception.

Everybody in Union Chapel felt it. That rush of familiarity, the goosebumps creeping up elevated arms. When Einar alone was illuminated on the stage, his silhouette looked ghostly, the white hair of his beard transparent. He was a God and we were there just to revel in his presence.

Wardruna first came to life in 2009, with the release of "Gap var Ginnunga", their darkest album, inspired by the years Einar had spent in the forests, with those still following the pagan ways and worshipping the ancient Norse Gods. The adoration of the Sacred in these songs is subtle enough to not cast away those scared by anything spiritual, but a close (and repetitive) listen is all you need to feel the transe-inducing rhythm, the shamanic vocals, the terrifying, yet undeniable thrill of listening to something so alive and intense. Few albums of any genre dare to push a person's imagination and soul to such limits. It's not about endurance, it's about openness. How much you are willing to allow yourself to see and feel.

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